
Feng Jiang

mailto:jfenger AT pku.org.cn

Master student

Peking University


I am to be a first-year CS master student at Peking University (PKU). Here I am lucky enough to work with Prof. Zhouchen Lin. Before studying in PKU, I obtained my bachelor’s degree from Peking University.


  • Data Science
  • QuantitativeTrading
  • Computer Vision


  • MSc in Intelligence Science(Computer Science), 2019-now

    Peking University

  • BSc in Physics, 2014-2019

    Peking University

  • BSc in Mathematics(Double Major), 2014-2019

    Peking University

Publications @ZERO Lab

Residual Relaxation for Multi-view Representation Learning. NeurIPS, 2021.

Multi-view methods learn representations by aligning multiple views of the same image and their performance largely depends on the …